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Video: Focus on the Family frames LGBT acceptance, harsh attack as equal 'extremes'

by Jeremy Hooper

I've vowed to mostly ignore this year's edition of Focus on the Family's annual Day of Dialogue, since that is pretty much how the world treats it. This "ex-gay"-encouraging day, which is all spun through that "nice"-sounding filter that the Jim Daly era of Focus on the Family thinks fools us into believing the organization is nicer and softer, gets virtually no attention from press, activists on either side, or, most importantly, students. I see no reason to waste more breath against it.

However, I do feel compelled to show you this new video designed to promote the upcoming day. Check out the first bit and listen to how the young man frames the supposed "extremes" that define the LGBT rights debate:

"Embracing it all" is as not okay as "hateful, divisive language"? Excuse me?!

In the contrived world of Focus on the Family, where certain people were put on this Earth apparently so they could keep certain Colorado Springs staff members employed, perhaps it's just as bad to be rabidly anti-LGBT or to be, well—simply LGBT. But in the real world, we realize that none of this would be a debate at all if certain self-appointed moral authorizations could simply accept that the spectrum of our world's normalcy is precisely that. There is only a "culture war" because certain participants in our culture chose to militarize the reality of of human existence. If not for the unfounded and unnecessary attacks, "accepting it all" would simply mean acknowledging truth.

But this is just more of the same from the Jim Daly era of Focus on the Family, which has spent the past the past five years trying to carve out this precious, specialized, holier-than-thou slot within the anti-LGBT movement. They not only act like they are above us, which they always did under proudly rabid Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, but they also act like they are above their own movement—the very same movement that they work with, fund, promote, and, in many states, mastermind the continued attacks against every one of our rights. They act like their goals, which still culminate in gay people "changing" into "ex-gays" (a professional "ex-gay," Jeff Johnston, is a senior analyst) and/or ending up in hell, are somehow deserving of a special distinction, if not respect.

To me, it's even more offensive than what Dobson sold for so many years.

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