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Video: Josh Duggar against rights for people who 'choose alternative lifestyles' #19Kids #AndCountingOnAnimus
Reality TV star and Family Research Council Action president Josh Duggar recently went on a local news program in North Carolina, where he went after nondiscrimination protections based on sexual orientation, marriage equality for people who "choose alternative lifestyles," and supposedly skewed polling that speaks to LGBT equality. And even though Josh works for one of the most overtly anti-LGBT organizations in D.C. and his is the only one of the "sides" that is truly pushing for oppression of a certain population, the eldest Duggar child tried with all of his might to make this whole thing sound like "disagreement," when it is, in fact, discrimination that he is pushing for a paycheck.
Here's the clip:
BTW, the Duggar family is currently on yet another "we're just a nice family" press tour. They (including Josh) were on Good Morning America this AM and will be on Extra tonight (to name just two):
I'm pretty sick of the media giving this family a pass for their activism on (but not limited to) LGBT issues.