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Wait, a person who said homosexuality is 'part of Satan' thinks gays are bullies? Shocker!
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann(About-As-Far-R-As-You-Can-Get–MN), who has referred to homosexuality as "part of Satan, I think" believes gay people have bullied America. Right Wing Watch brings us the clip:
"...is getting a little tiresome is the gay community have so bullied the American people"
This person made her national name by trying to ban marriage equality in Minnesota, before then moving on to opposing every LGBT right to ever come up for a vote in Congress. She's also advocated the idea that gay people can and should "change." And yet we're the bullies? We're the rights-deniers? We're the liberty-stiflers?
What next on your "freedom" agenda, Congresswoman—going to introduce the Right To Steal Lunch Money Act of 2014? I'm sure there are lots of bigger kids out there who are tired of seeing their "right" of dominance taken away.