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Just when you think the Family Research Council can't get more deceptive...

Check out this completely deceptive nonsense. In its writeup on the Firefox story, the Family Research Council (in words attributed to president Tony Perkins and "the aid of FRC senior writers) writes the following about the Mozilla situation, quoting progressive...

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With call to boycott Firefox, NOM becomes first/only LGBT-focused group (on either side) to make this call

Despite what the company itself has to say about Mr. Eich's choice to resign.... [SOURCE] ...many conservatives are hellbent on claiming that LGBT groups like GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign forced Mozilla to fire their CEO, that these same...

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Video: Liberty Counsel's latest 'protect marriage' ad is just lazy

I've seen my share of ads about matrimony and the supposed harms that committed married people like me supposedly pose to it. This new one from Liberty Counsel is notable to me for one thing: it's frigging boring. Here's the...

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Brian Brown: How dare someone trained to understand law put his opinion above a popularity contest?

NOM's keyboards are surely tired of writing "condemn" or one of its synonyms: [NOM] So tell me, Brian: Which of our past "considered judgments of the people of America" would you put above the judges that stepped in and did...

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'Gay agenda' dances into Liberty University's artistic mission; good job, team

Liberty University's Alluvion Stage Company list one of its key objectives as being "To uphold and execute the mission of Liberty University through theatrical arts." So it is interesting to see that this school, which has a decidedly and undeniably...

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AP: Fed. judge will strike down Ohio's marriage ban

Developing. *Hmm, it seems like the AP overstated. My trustworthy pal Chris Geidner says: Chris's full report here: Federal Judge Plans To Strike Down Ohio Marriage Recognition Ban [Buzzfeed]

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GLAAD: Fox News again pretends something other than animus brings Tony Perkins on-air

Fox News again pretends something other than animus brings Tony Perkins on-air [GLAAD]

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GLAAD: Robert Oscar Lopez is angry that GLAAD gives a spotlight to his words

Robert Oscar Lopez is angry that GLAAD gives a spotlight to his words [GLAAD]

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Liberty Counsel spokesman claims LGBT activists want Christians dead

And now these loving Christian claims (and graphic) from Liberty Counsel/ Liberty University's Matt Barber: Christians, buckle up. Your whole world is about to change. The Rainbowshirts are emboldened and they’ve broken out the long knives. ... They smell blood...

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Maggie Gallagher: Fortune Teller

Maggie Gallagher has been virtually absent from the marriage debate for the past six months or so. But now the grande dame of the inequality fight is back to offer up an "I told you so": "Endorse gay marriage, or...

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