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|| April 11, 2014 »
Video: What, because Focus on the Family would hire and stick with a gay (or even pro-gay) CEO?
Groan: About that snarky closing quip about comments being closed? Yeah, well— How's the stone collection in your glass house, Mr. Shepard?
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Audio: Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson to gay Californian: 'You can be issued a marriage license, but you can't get married'
The audience member asked him about tax parity between male/male, female/female, and male/female married couples, but Ryan was insistent on trying to trip him up with the idea of a "throuple." That's kind of a new thing the suddenly omnipresent...
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Anti-equality Catholics (and Regnerus funders) court Islamic allies
Robert George is the co-founder of pro-discrimination advocacy group the National Organization For Marriage, and Heritage Foundation fellow Ryan T. Anderson is one of the most visible young opponents of history's right side of the marriage equality issue. Later this...
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The real shame, Mark Creech, is that your side will never admit this kind of animus in court
Responding to an ACLU-driven lawsuit that seeks to overturn North Carolina's discriminatory ban on marriage equality, longtime Tar Heel state foe-of-the-'mos Mark Creech says the following: "Demanding that the state of North Carolina change its constitution to accommodate a lifestyle...
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10th Circuit judges appear to be 2-1 in favor of peace, love, equality, progress, fairness, history...
According to most reports on today's 10th Circuit hearing, including this one from Chris Geidner, two of the three judges hearing the appeal on Utah's same-sex marriage ban are poised to side with the lower court and strike the damn...
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