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If John Eastman's allowed to intervene in Oregon, I submit his endorsement of this very anti-gay book

The book is called Making Gay Okay, and it's all about "homosexual misbehavior" being something society should shun. The book's publisher describes it like so: Why are Americans being forced to consider homosexual acts as morally acceptable? Why has the...

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I apparently can fly; cool, I've always wanted to!

I'm a legally married gay man who has accomplished a state- and federally-recognized union. Which, according to exceedingly anti-gay talker Steve Deace, puts me in the same league as Superman: "I mean, someone might think, I have the right to...

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Starving selves to stop others' happiness: Virginia edition

Fall is filled with such yummy foodstuffs. Apple cider. Hearty stews. And when it comes to the most popular of all autumnal treats, you can basically put pumpkin and its associated spices into a tube of lipstick and call it...

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NOM-aligned organization claims God will soon punish us for pro-equality rulings

The Coalition of African American pastors is one of the National Organization For Marriage's key strategic partners. In fact, CAAP's head, Rev. Bill Owens (pic. at left), is one of NOM's official religious liaisons. CAAP and NOM work together on...

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GLAAD: The rise of toxic terminology: Losing anti-LGBT movement turns to corrosive labeling

The rise of toxic terminology: Losing anti-LGBT movement turns to corrosive labeling [GLAAD]

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Founder of anti-gay Boy Scouts alternative links sexual orientation, adultery; earns merit badge in ill-intended comparisons

Here's a new musing from John Stemberger, the longtime Florida anti-LGBT activist who is also behind Trail Life USA, the anti-gay (and Jewish) Boy Scouts alternative: [John Stemberger, one of Florida's most prominent anti-gay activists] (Hat tip: Nadine Smith) As...

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'Playbill' to let the two previously unaware playgoers in on Broadway's love for gays

Playbill magazine, the incomparable information guide and de facto cooling fan for Broadway and off Broadway theatergoers, has announced that it will print in special rainbow colors for Pride month (June): Playbill Will Go Rainbow for Pride [Advocate] "Ooh, they...

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