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Always-boycott-happy anti-LGBT crowd back with more ludicrous 'free speech' claims
Check out this petition from ActRight, the spinoff project of National Organization For Marriage president Bran Brown:
Tell me where, exactly, someone is stifling Eich's speech? He made the donations that he made, as he had the right to do. He's given interviews on the subject, as he retains ever last speech and expression right he ever had. He moves through this world with the freedom to shout his views from the rooftops without government suppression, as we all have the right to do. Mr. Eich just doesn't get to do these things in an unaccountable vacuum. None of us has that "right."
The truth is that it's not enough for groups like ActRight (aka NOM) to simply be anti-gay. In their world, those of us who oppose their discriminatory agenda, off which many of us suffer great personal detriment, are supposed to just shut up and take their attacks against our lives, loves, peace, and rights as just another form of engagement. They can say, do, and boycott whatever we want, but if we use our own right to speak to highlight and call them out on their hostility, we somehow become an "intolerant" arm of the government stripping anti-LGBT-minded folks of their First Amendment freedoms. It's so damn enraging.