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Anti-equality Catholics (and Regnerus funders) court Islamic allies
Robert George is the co-founder of pro-discrimination advocacy group the National Organization For Marriage, and Heritage Foundation fellow Ryan T. Anderson is one of the most visible young opponents of history's right side of the marriage equality issue. Later this year, they will be among the folks gathered at the also-George-founded Witherspoon Institute (which funded the bogus Regnerus study) for the purpose or fostering their Catholic-driven view on inequality within Islamic culture:
Ahh, look at this form of civil discrimination bringing folks together. Just warms the cockles of coexistence, doesn't it?
We should note that the seminar leader, Shaykh Abdallah Adhami [who was involved with the so-called "ground Zero Mosque" (aka Park51) a few years back], has claimed that “an enormously overwhelming percentage of people struggle with homosexual feeling because of some form of violent emotional or sexual abuse at some point in their life." Lest you really thought this agenda begins and ends at marriage policy, as they like to pretend. It never does.