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Audio: Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson to gay Californian: 'You can be issued a marriage license, but you can't get married'

by Jeremy Hooper

The audience member asked him about tax parity between male/male, female/female, and male/female married couples, but Ryan was insistent on trying to trip him up with the idea of a "throuple." That's kind of a new thing the suddenly omnipresent marriage and family "expert" has been doing lately: glomming onto purposely provocative fragments of a "slippery slope" argument that he read about in liberal think pieces and demand in marriage equality activists answer for any number of things (e.g. "monogamish" couples, wed-leases, etc.) that no one in the movement is seeking to be part of law. To his credit, the audience member kept his cool and pressed on with his point.

Ryan, however, became noticeably ruffled and told the gay man that he cannot get married, even though he lawfully can in the state of California (with full federal recognition). Listen in as a self-appointed Supreme Court justice, if not all-out deity, lays his discrimination out there for all to hear:

[Speech to Stanford University's Catholic Anscombe Society]

The thing is, I'm 100% okay with uber Catholic Ryan believing this about my or any other gay person's legal marriage. The problem, of course, is that he believes the court-tested civil law is but a mere suggestion and that his faith-driven supremacy gets to trump it at will. And that is not okay. It never will be, no matter how many "throuples" or "fupples" or "oogity-boogities" he tries to toss in the way.

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