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Audio: Tony Perkins equates opposing equality with opposing Nazis
Martin Niemöller was a pastor who was imprisoned for opposing Hitler and the Nazis. That oft-repeated "First they came for the..." quote is attributed to him.
So who are Niemöllers modern counterparts? Why people who oppose our civil equality, natch:
FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL PRESIDENT TONY PERKINS: "Given the state of our nation, why aren't you here?" Hello, I'm Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. Dr. Lawrence White recounts the story of Pastor Martin Niemoller who was arrested and imprisoned for faithfully preaching the word of God in Nazi Germany. The morning after his arrest a fellow minister serving as chaplain at the city jail saw Niemoller in the holding cell. And exclaimed "My brother! What did you do? Why are you here? Niemoller's response, "My brother, given what's happened in our country, why aren't you here?" Recent headlines trumpeted the ouster of former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich. His crime? Donating $1000, 5 years ago, to California's successful marriage protection amendment. Homosexual activists have now demanded he step down. Eich is not the first, the list of those attacked for supporting natural marriage and/or biblical morality is growing. Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, Fox Sports Craig James, The Olympics' Peter Vidmar, and Gallaudet University's Angela McCaskill. They refused to surrender their faith and their freedoms. Given the state of our culture shouldn't your name be on the list?"
Ah, don't you just love a man who fits into just about every majority box (white, male, straight, able-bodied, cisgender, Christian...) justifying his desire to discriminate against a minority population by making flip comparisons to brute genocide?
But why stop there, Tony? Surely you can work an Anne Frank reference into your next piece about how "activists judges" supposedly force Christians to hide in the attic. I mean, if you're going to go Godwin, go big or go home.