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Former NOM associate Jennifer Roback Morse: Equality movement is totalitarian ('stronger' than fascist)

by Jeremy Hooper

Roback-Morse In a column where she yet again debates the easily understandable concept of LGBT equality, pretending it is abstract and undefined (a well she keeps pumping to no avail), Jennifer Roback Morse, who was a top National Organization For Marriage surrogate until NOM abruptly cut ranks with her organization last last year, says the following about the LGBT rights movement:

The demand for an undefined and unlimited concept of “equality” is a totalitarian strategy. Everyone has to be quiet until we have achieved every conceivable form of equality.

I do not say that these people are “fascists. ” Nor do I say they are “communists.”

I say something stronger. The Sexual Revolution is a totalitarian movement, unto itself. It demands the impossible, as a high moral duty.

“Equality” is no longer a noble political principle. It is now a totalitarian battering ram.
The Equality Battering Ram [Ruth Institute]

Says a person who admits that she doesn't even "accept the category of gayness" and demands that gay people's only change at happiness/morality is to live celibate lives. Just like with the meaning of the word equality, I'm more than willing to let the American public determine for themselves who in this particular conversation is really striving for dominance and suppression.

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