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FRC's smokeless gun of the week
All week long, on social media, on president Tony Perkins' radio show, in the organization's daily "Washington Watch" column, and now in its weekly "prayer targets," the Family Research Council has been pretending like a new vid that came to light this week has caught President Obama in some big scandal. Here's the gist, via the aforementioned "Washington Watch" and "prayer targets":
In the referenced video, obtained by Buzzfeed, Admiral Papp does say that President Obama made it clear that he wanted DADT repeal done (a choice with which Papp says he agreed), and the Commandant of the Coast Guard says that the each of heads of the five service branches had an out if they didn't agree with the President's plan. The only big revelation there is that the President was apparently fighting even harder behind the scenes to repeal the discriminatory ban than many of us realized at the time. And, if any of the others didn't agree, he was apparently willing to work with them to find an easy exit that would allow them to bow out gracefully without some sort of major embarrassment.
And let me remind you that Americans very much supported repeal of this awful policy at the time, and there has been no national outcry in the years since it went the way of so many offensive policies before it. President Obama had every right to be strong on repeal because he had the support, capital, and mandate to do it! He ran on repeal and the American public elected him with the expectation that he'd get it done.
But to FRC, it's a "bombshell" to learn that the President was staunch on one of his campaign promises? You mean the same President who they've spent the past five years painting as a weak, flip-lopping, liar? That guy?
The fact of the matter is that FRC invested a lot—A LOT!—of resources on trying to keep the military a more discriminatory institution, and the FRC crowd is still seethingly angry that they lost both the battle and the American public on this issue. They are beating this long gone horse now, several years later, because they need something to be the target of their pent up aggression—and self reflection is never on the FRC's table. If it was, they'd lick their wounds and move on from this, a fight that they lost and lost hard rather than trying to "gotcha!" a President for sticking to the very mettle to which he always promised he'd adhere.