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If you can't afford your event, NOM, perhaps you should just cancel
Even though it got virtually no attention last year, and even though its bussed-in crowds were quite dismal (something honest conservatives even admitted), the National Organization For Marriage is insisting on having a second "March For Marriage" in D.C. They just need their supporters to pay for the damn thing:
We are in the midst of intense preparations for the March, taking place this June 19th. We are securing permits, organizing logistics, signing contracts, making arrangements with speakers...all of which constitute large up-front costs.
And that's why we're launching a campaign to raise $100,000 by the end of April to support this essential initiative.
Essential initiative? Really? I mean, at least last year there were Supreme Court cases that they hoped they could sway with a high turnout. This year, there isn't so much as a bill that has a reasonable chance of moving through Congress. They are simply showing up in D.C., a jurisdiction with marriage equality, to make their opposition more known than it already is. What is this going to accomplish, exactly?
Even if you adamantly oppose same-sex marriage, there are surely better things you could be doing with both your time and your money. To me, this (and that same evening's high dollar gala) seems much more like a way to keep NOM in its comfortable K Street office than it does anything else.