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'WaPo' conservative columnist: 'Strident' marriage equality opponents have lost

by Jeremy Hooper

Jennifer Rubin, conservative columnist at Washington Post's "Right Turn" blog:

The strident anti-gay marriage and anti-gay rights forces on the right, having lost their grip on public opinion, now can’t convince fellow Republicans of their views.
The opposition to gay marriage is crumbling on the right, as it is everywhere. The true sign of progress is the deafening silence on the topic in the run-up to the 2014 elections.

FULL: Anti-gay marriage sentiment fading [WaPo's Right Turn blog]

Of course those same strident forces think the answer is to hire likeminded polling firms to come up with surely skewed data, in hopes that it can keep the GOP as the party of discrimination; they'll instantly cast out someone like Rubin, as if she's not a "real" Republican because she breaks ranks on this issue; and they'll portray all advancement as the product of biased forces who have some sort of vendetta against anti-gay Christians. It's all noise.

The truth is that the GOP will stop being the party of proud discrimination or it will become the party of sheer irrelevancy in just a couple of election cycles. Or, alternately, social conservatives can drop their militant resistance to stem cells, cloning, and other scientific breakthroughs, since reversing the natural aging process would be the only way they might—might—hold on to their dwindling support base.

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