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Audio: In U.S. Capitol, Pastor Robert Jeffress tells Congress what issues they're allowed to debate

Tonight was the silly "Washington A Man of Prayer" I told you about earlier this week. That's the one where extremely anti-gay figures and extremely conservative members of Congress (but I repeat myself) gathered in the U.S. Capitol's statuary hall...

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GLAAD: Scott Lively stirring Russia's pot: A timeline

Scott Lively stirring Russia's pot: A timeline [GLAAD]

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Nintendo life simulator won't accurately simulate reality of life

Seems like an oddly resistant choice for a tech company in the year 2014: LOS ANGELES (AP) — Nintendo isn't allowing gamers to play as gay in an upcoming life simulator game. The publisher of such gaming franchises as "The...

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Oh good, another cable reality TV 'culture war' to fight. Because that's what we all wanted.

I used to cover Flip Benham before I determined that his fringe anti-LGBT (among anti–other things) antics were too over the top to even dignify. However, it seems the HGTV network thinks Flip Behnam's sons, one of whom has publicly...

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Globalization of American homo-hostility continues: MassResistance's propaganda enters Hong Kong, Finland, more

The trend of America's anti-gay movement working to sway other governments continues. MassResistance, the extremely fringe organization that has been filling the Bay State with nasty propaganda for years, is apparently now working with groups all across the globe, in...

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