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BREAKING: Arkansas judge becomes latest (of oh so many) to call marriage inequality what it is (i.e. bullshit)

Judge Chris Piazza, of the 2nd Division Circuit Court, just struck down Arkansas' marriage ban. State expected to appeal. More to come. **UPDATE: The decision: 60cY-13-2662 Decision by Equality Case Files

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They hate nothing more than own words: Tony Perkins debates legitimacy of fully sourced quotes

Clearly the most obvious reason why the anti-LGBT movement annoys me has to do with their insistence that certain kinds of human beings are somehow less deserving of equality, less capable of morality, less in need of decent treatment, and...

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KY versus equality: Protect the sanctity of Pampers

I always "love" the weird idea that marriage equality is somehow going to create more gay people than already exist, and therefore decrease the population of a world that has nothing close to that problem. That's the basic argument that...

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Video: Oprah, Starbucks embrace two-mom families

You know who's huge? Oprah. You what what is huge? Starbucks. These two cultural forces join up to celebrate all kinds of moms, including those who share that same label: I love how matter of fact the corporate support has...

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Video: On House floor, anti-gay right's favorite congressman equates LGBT advocacy with Naziism

Happy Friday from Congressman Gohmert: Louie Gohmert Compares Gay Rights Advocates To Nazis In House Floor Speech (VIDEO) Oh, I don't consider you "evil," congressman. I consider you IMMENSELY helpful to our side!!! Keep talking, (R-TX)!

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NOM announces more speakers for its silly little 'March for Marriage' stunt

In addition to the organization president who has banked virtually no win during his time at the helm (Brown), a New York state senator whose vitriolic advocacy against the Empire State's marriage bill likely helped it pass sooner than it...

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On the pro-discrimination crowd's Indiana delusions

I haven't talked about this in the past three days because I didn't want to help give it the gravity that the anti-LGBT crowd so desperately wants to force upon it. But I'd feel remiss if I let the week...

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