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His movement drowning, Tony Perkins looks to 'Roe'

Even though it's really much more like Loving v. Virginia, the anti-LGBT movement is desperate to turn modern marriage cases into the new Roe v. Wade. Here's FRC prez Tony Perkins doing just that, while throwing in a "tinkering under...

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All you need to know about Idaho's just-demolished marriage ban: Bryan Fischer co-authored it!

One of the most anti-gay men in America was one of the authors of the marriage ban that a federal judge just deemed unconstitutional. And boy, he's pisssssssssed:

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Federal judge strikes Idaho's nasty, discriminatory pockmark (i.e. marriage ban)

Breaking tonight: Today U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale, a federal judge in Idaho, ruled in favor of the freedom to marry, striking down the state’s discriminatory constitutional amendment that bans same-sex couples from marriage. The ruling is the 16th consecutive...

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Video: Bernard Whitman destroys Tony Perkins in Fox News debate

To Tony Perkins, condemning a person is just as much of an expression as living truthfully as that person—at least when that latter person is gay and that first person is hostile to homosexuality. This Perkins worldview is not news...

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Video: Virginia's wrong-side-of-history fans unpack today's effort to sustain discrimination

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Geidner: 4th Circuit looks likely to strike down VA's discriminatory marriage ban

My pal Chris Geidner has a good track record. Let's hope it continues with this latest prediction: RICHMOND, Va. — The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals looks likely to declare Virginia’s ban on marriages for same-sex couples unconstitutional, following the...

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'JUST SAY NO': It's our relationships they're after, not just our marriages

This telling sign was spotted today in Richmond, VA, where protesters are demonstrating against gay people's marriages: Note the demonstrator isn't just "X"-ing out our rings or our licenses or some other wedding ephemera. No, no—this sign "Just says no"...

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NOM's Brian Brown no longer pretending he's talking about *civil* marriage

This morning in Richmond, VA, the matter of civil marriage and its government-driven banning will go before an appeals court. Outside that same court this morning, the man who is leading the national fight against marriage equality made it clear...

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Uhm actually, Teetsel, you will render unto Caesar this thing called *CIVIL* marriage

Eric Teetsel of the Manhattan Declaration (which is apparently still a thing; who knew?) speaking at this morning's pro-discrimination rally in Richmond,VA: ` (note: the Teitter-er of course means "unto" and "Caesar") [SOURCE] So be a part of God's story....

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Marriage equality is 'evil,' Josh Duggar?

According to host, the Family Foundation of Virginia, reality television star and Family Research Council official Josh Duggar said the following about the same-sex marriage court case that gets underway today in Richmond, Virginia So weird—every time I catch Josh's...

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