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|| May 16, 2014 »
But at least Houston's LGBT rights opponents don't want businesses denying Jewish customers—right?
Pastors Steve and Becky Riggle have been at the forefront at the effort to stop a nondiscrimination ordinance in Houston, TX, arguing that business owners should have a right to deny service to LGBT customers, so long as they cite...
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Want to deny same-sex couples, ministers? Then don't sell deluxe wedding packages for profit
There's an interesting situation shaping up in Idaho, where an ordained minister from Coeur d’Alene is already saying he will refuse to marry same-sex couples at a business that he operates. Here's the gist: Thousands of couples have tied the...
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At least FRC is admitting that equality is a trending....
...even if they're praying against it: [FRC's weekly "prayer targets"] Mt. Carmel moment? Makes me hungry for a candy bar. Maybe I'll ask my legally-wedded husband to bring me one, which I will unwrap with my gold-band-adorned hands and devour...
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Audio: FRC's Sprigg claims gay people don't really want marriage
Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg, a man who has called to both "export" and impose criminal sanctions on gay people, is now claiming that we gay folk don't really want marriage at all: Peter Sprigg claims gay people don't really...
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Hubris-driven NOM witch-hunting Arkansas judge for daring to not agree with its discriminatory cause
Saying he thinks of himself as a "super-legislator," pro-discrimination lobby group National Organization for Marriage is calling on the Arkansas governor to convene a special session of his state legislature for the sole reason of impeaching Judge Chris Piazza for...
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