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Jim DeMint: Marriage equality makes people 'angry, resentful of their country and of the people who are pushing it'

To an anti-gay conservatives like Jim DeMint, my rights as a husband, father, and tax payer are something he and likeminded Americans should be free to deny me simple because he thinks they are "definitely wrong." And because me and...

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They think this is our first time at the rodeo

Whenever someone's anti-LGBT-iness raises his or her national platform, we know it won't be long before they start using the expected talking points. "Traditional values." "Why can't I have my opinion?" "Free speech." "Who's really the intolerant one here?" "Agenda."...

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NOM's latest 'March for Marriage' speakers: Man who's spent 2014 fighting trans kids, guy who tells married couples they're not really married

I've already given you the lay of the land regarding the previously announced (and quite hostile) speakers. Here now, the latest two to be added to the National Organization For Marriage's speaking roster for its upcoming "March for Marriage" (June...

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GLAAD: Is there any anti-LGBT voice Fox News won't turn into a victim?

Is there any anti-LGBT voice Fox News won't turn into a victim? [GLAAD]

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Video: Detroit pastor to marriage equality proponents: 'you are my enemy'

So it's good to see that the debate over civil marriage in Michigan is remaining highbrow and on point: Coalition Of Black Pastors Speaks Out Against Gay Marriage [Huff Po] Eh, I also don't find mustard, while perfectly charming in...

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