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Audio: Anti-gay leader claims courts will never succeed at doing exactly what they're succeeding (and how!) at doing

by Jeremy Hooper
"Judges have traded the Constitution for tea leaves. Hello, I'm Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. Last week, Federal Judge John Jones struck down Pennsylvania's marriage law saying that reading the tea leaves of the Supreme Court's Windsor ruling, where the court ruled that redefining marriage is a matter of the states foretold the inevitable redefinition of marriage. Jones concluded his opinion with one of the most arrogant statements ever uttered by a judge. Jones wrote that, "laws affirming natural marriage should be discarded into the ash heap of history." Let me predict the future: Marriage is rooted in the history of man, not to mention his very biological meaning. Nature and Nature's God cannot be usurped by the edict of the court, just as the country never accepted Roe v. Wade as the final word of abortion. The nation will never accept a Supreme Court redefining society's most fundamental institution. The courts can ignore natural law or even suppress it, but they will never succeed in doing it."

He's just playing a role at this point. And I have to hand it to Tony: he does read his utterly fictional lines like he believes them. That's important in performance art.

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