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Audio: FRC's Sprigg claims gay people don't really want marriage

by Jeremy Hooper

Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg, a man who has called to both "export" and impose criminal sanctions on gay people, is now claiming that we gay folk don't really want marriage at all:

Peter Sprigg claims gay people don't really want marriage by goodasyou

No, Peter, we reject civil unions because separate is not equal. No one should be forced to walk in a separate line and obtain a segregated classification based entirely on who they are. This goes without saying to most people.

But I do so much love when straight men explain to me, a happily and proudly married gay man with a thriving family, what I do and do not want. It's just adorable to watch oddly obsessed individuals who think that our lives are their play things off which they can collect a paycheck and build a political career. Nope, it's not in any way weird. At all. Seriously! It's cute. Precious, even.

I'm not being sarcastic. Pinky swear.

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