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Audio: 'Unbiased researcher' (ha, ha, ha!) Mark Regnerus plays anti-equality pundit, adviser

by Jeremy Hooper

Mark Regnerus, the man behind perhaps the most discredited study in modern American history ("entirely unbelievable and not worthy of serious consideration"), is no longer even trying to pretend that he's an unbiased researcher. Today Regnerus appeared on the Catholic radio show of anti-gay voice Drew Mariani, where he repeatedly bemoaned the tide that is turning toward marriage equality and advised his movement—and it is his movement, let's be clear—on how to move forward in the anti-equality fight without giving up hope. Here's the gist:

FULL Program: Drew Mariani Show, 5/29/14

Answering questions about how good can conquer "evil" in a conversation about a minority population's ciivl rights—that's what all men and women of unbiased research do, yes?

Um, no. What an egregious sham the other side tried to concoct with this guy and his "study." Intellectual malpractice is a phrase that comes to mind.

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