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Former CA assemblyman goes after 'pro-gay' Fox News
Steve Baldwin (no, not that one) used to serve in the California state assembly. Now he is an anti-gay activist who can't believe even some stars at his beloved Fox News is coming around to history's right side:
Megyn Kelly is a Fox News superstar but more than most Fox News personalities, she really drinks the homosexual propaganda kook-aid. She supports homosexual marriage and often equates, on-air, the rights of blacks to the rights of homosexuals, despite the complete lack of evidence that homosexuality is an in-born trait like race is. She also uses the same phrases homosexual activists use in describing their battle for marriage rights: “marriage equality” and has referred to religious-based opponents of the homosexual agenda as “haters”, phrases right out of NLGJA’s playbook.
Unknown to most people, Kelly is deeply involved in the homosexual movement. She has appeared at a number of NLGJA events and I believe is influenced by a number of homosexual friends. This explains why she almost always takes the side of the homosexuals and rarely delves deeply into the homosexual movement’s attack on our constitutional rights.
Another Fox News superstar — Bill O’Reilly — is equally uninformed on these issues. Incredibly, O’Reilly has come out in support of the so-called “anti-discrimination” laws that have led to many of these attacks described earlier in this article. He supports homosexual adoption and has referred to Christians who opposed the homosexual agenda as “holy rollers” and “fanatics.”
Nor does O’Reilly have a problem with homosexual marriage or with Obama when he unilaterally and without congressional legislation, issued an order to allow open homosexuals in the military. For a man who describes himself as a “traditionalist” and a “culture warrior,” it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s already hoisted the white flag on some of the biggest cultural issues of the day.
Then there’s Shepard Smith, who has been “outed” by the homosexual community as one of their own. That’s no surprise. Smith has uttered favorable things about homosexual marriage and referred to those who flocked to Chick-fil- A to support their traditional marriage stance as being part of the “National Day of Intolerance.”
Fox News contributor Bernie Goldberg is also pro-homosexual and calls conservatives who oppose their agenda as “bigoted.” On his blog, Goldberg even claims Jesus Christ would be in support of homosexual marriage, a strange claim given the numerous statements by Jesus and his disciples regarding the sacred position God has assigned to the traditional male-female family. Goldberg also makes bizarre statements on his website claiming Jesus said some people are born gay, which, of course, is false. Indeed, both the Old and New Testaments are very clear in their condemnations of homosexual behavior.
Even Fox News “All-Stars” Charles Krauthammer, Stephen Hayes and George Will are in support of allowing open homosexuals in the military, seemingly ignorant of the body of research documenting how disruptive it will be for openly homosexual men and women to serve next to others in tight units where moral and unit cohesion can mean the difference between life and death. Polling of service members themselves confirm this, but Fox News has consistently downplayed or ignored the opinions of those who would be most effective by this radical policy.
FULL: BarbWire
Psssssst, anti-gay conservatives—your position is unreasonable, denigrating, and unsustainable, and virtually every credible right-leaning personality will publicly support all basic LGBT rights within ten years' time. I hate to be the one to tell you this.
Actually, I'm lying. I love to be the one to tell you this! Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love it. I love that even Republicans are coming around to the idea of equality, and I love that I, someone who started doing this work in the thick of the forest of the Bush years, get to share that good light with you today. Love. It.