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Hubris hath no ego like an anti-LGBT movement that spins

by Jeremy Hooper

I've already told you how the American Family Association, one of the longest-running and most anti-organizations in this nation, is ticked that local businesses in Mississippi and a few other places are placing stickers in their windows stating that they will sell to any buyer, irrespective of that buyer's sexual orientation or any other characteristic. Now check out this latest spin, in which the American Family Association claims that these stickers "represent the very promotion of discrimination," even though they work to deny no one:

(h/t: @TheEddieOutlaw)

Religion is a protected class, and no one who supports LGBT equality is trying to change that. These businesses are signing on to the idea that business should be business, removed from any "culture war" against certain groups of people. It is a positive effort.

But when you operate a thoroughly negative cause that you are desperate to force into an ill-fitting suit of positivity, then there is no greater threat than peaceful repudiation of your divisive and discriminatory cause. That's what these businesses are doing with this sound, calm, and reasonable effort: they are stating that no special interest group's attempt to get in the way of basic peace and decent business practice is going to stop them from embracing both. And the AFA hates it because this, the sweet light of justice, threatens to expose them for all that they are.

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