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Jim DeMint: Marriage equality makes people 'angry, resentful of their country and of the people who are pushing it'

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-05-16 At 6.30.02 PmTo an anti-gay conservatives like Jim DeMint, my rights as a husband, father, and tax payer are something he and likeminded Americans should be free to deny me simple because he thinks they are "definitely wrong." And because me and my allies in government are uppity enough to see ourselves as equal, people like him are going to start "resenting" us.

Here's your closing thought for the week from the up-is-down world of American conservatism:

"No one’s fallen out of love with the ideal America, the American dream. Many people have fallen out of love with the people who run the country and with one-size-fits-all solutions coming out of Washington — this divides people. When Washington decides that they’re going to redefine marriage and force it on people, for instance, it makes people angry, resentful of their country and of the people who are pushing it. And so instead of being able to live together — and actually loving a neighbor whom you disagree with on an issue like marriage — we begin to resent the neighbor who’s using the coercive force of government to try and force us to believe something we think is definitely wrong. People can live together in harmony, despite a lot of different views — until the government forces us all to the same goal."

Former U.S. Senator and current head of the Heritage Foundation, Jim DeMint

"Live together in harmony," so long as we gay folk don't fall out of line. Eh, Jim? After all, you religious conservatives get to just "disagree" on that little mater of whether or not my husband and I are connected to each other and our daughter—right? That's your American mandate, yes?

Um, no. And sorry, but you'll have to forgive me if I don't take my views on what constitutes "coercive force of government" on marriage policy from this guy:

" Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) joined freshman U.S. Senators Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), David Vitter (R-La.), and John Thune (R-S.D.) at a press conference in support of the Marriage Protection Amendment that would define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
DeMint Supports Marriage Protection Amendment [VoteSmart archive]

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