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Move over, ambulance chasers—ADF finds new siren call in Prop 8 'victims'

by Jeremy Hooper

Exceedingly anti-LGBT lawyer Charles LiMandri has teamed up with pro-discrimination legal outfit Alliance Defending Freedom to offer free legal help to those "hurt" because of their attempt to discriminate against their neighbors:

FOLSOM and RANCHO SANTA FE, Calif. — Alliance Defending Freedom and the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund are jointly offering free legal analysis and possible pro bono representation to anyone losing his or her job or suffering other job-related consequences because of past support for California’s constitutional amendment affirming marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
ADF: Supporting Prop. 8 shouldn’t be a fireable offense [ADF]

Free help if you were hurt because of Prop 8? "Cool, where do I sign up?" wonders California's history and progressive reputation circa the years 2008–2013.

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