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Prop 8 leaders catering to Singapore org. that fights to keep homosexuality criminalized

by Jeremy Hooper

I've already told you that Jennifer Roback Morse and Pastor Jim Garlow, who were both prominent spokespeople for California's Proposition 8 campaign and both remain highly connected to America's "protect marriage" movement, are in Singapore so that they can speak to an anti-gay conference. But it turns out it's worse than I even realized.

After going back and looking at the data, I learned that the organization to which Garlow and Roback Morse are catering literally fights against the decriminalization of homosexuality. The head of the "Love Singapore" org, Pastor Lawrence Khong, is the most vocal anti-gay activist in the nation to fight against repeal of a section of law that criminalizes gay sex with a two year imprisonment. Khong wrote:

We see a looming threat to this basic building block by homosexual activists seeking to repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code.

Examples from around the world have shown that the repeal of similar laws have led to negative social changes, especially the breakdown of the family as a basic building block and foundation of the society. It takes away the rights of parents over what their children are taught in schools, especially sex education. It attacks religious freedom and eventually denies free speech to those who, because of their moral convictions, uphold a different view from that championed by increasingly aggressive homosexual activists.

We love our nation. We sincerely pray for and look to the Government to provide moral leadership in preserving this basic building block and foundation of our society. And with that, to robustly protect our constitutional rights to free speech and religious liberty; so as to ensure that social cohesion and religious harmony are maintained in Singapore.
FULL: SP Lawrence Khong's statement at ESM Goh Chok Tong's visit to TC

This is the fight. It's not just about marriage or policy—this organization is fighting for CRIMINALIZATION.

And yet American activists, one a former NOM employee and one among the most well-connected conservative pastors here at home, are simply thrilled to take part:

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Like so many of these global developments, it makes you wonder what America's "pro-family" movement would really try here at home if given the chance.

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