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Video: Anti-gay MRC uses fourteen year old Hillary Clinton quote to (not at all) make (any sort of) point
Virtually no one on the political stage supported marriage equality in the year 2000. Everyone should've, always; but almost no one did back when the idea was theoretical and the polls showed it a non-starter for candidates in even progressive areas. The very conversation was in its infancy.
Hillary Clinton did actually support civil unions back then, which was (a) all that was legal in any of our states and (b) pretty much all we could expect from Democrats at the time. That partial support was annoying to LGBT activists back then because we all knew that marriage equality was the fair, right, and inevitable thing. It's always frustrating to see potential allies dragging their feet on something that you know they will eventually come to know and understand for the good that it is. But let's be clear: feet-dragging was the order of the day. Stopping short of marriage equality was not something unique to Clinton—it was a consensus position.
Fortunately, the decade-and-a-half conversation that has followed has drastically changed hearts and minds. Those of us who supported marriage equality way back then have kept the conversation going all of these years. Marriage equality is legal all across this nation, and an exponentially growing majority of our neighbors now support it. We made the winning case, and we have won hearts, minds, court battles, legislative fights, and bipartisan support. Hillary Clinton is now a firm supporter of marriage equality because Hillary Clinton has listened and evolved a view that she now realizes to have been inadequate.
But conservatives are of course scared shitless about the immensely popular and nationally known Hillary Clinton's potential 2016 run, so they are already doing everything they can to trip up the impressive theoretical candidate before she even gets out of the gate. "Benghazi!" they scream, trying to turn every toothless turd into a smoking gun. "Chelsea's pregnancy is a political stunt," some yell, desperate to deny the loving bond and innate humanity of a family they've always preferred to make into caricatures. Since her name sounds properly Americanized, they can't spend months trying to prove she was born in another country, so they have to instead make it seem like her moral compass lives in another stratosphere.
And sometimes, when they're really bored, they make truly pointless videos in which they try to fault her for turn-of-the-millennium comments on a matter where she had always admitted she, like the nation, was evolving. Take it away, rabidly anti-gay Media Research Center: