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Video: NOM allies produce disgusting video linking marriage equality to slavery, racism, segregation

by Jeremy Hooper

The Coalition of African-American Pastors is intimately aligned with the National Organization For Marriage (CAAP head William Owens is listed as NOM's religious liaison) and is one of the co-sponsors of NOM's upcoming March For Marriage. Now look on as this organization helps NOM in its stated goal to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" with a video that promotes the upcoming NOM march by directly comparing "the same-sex marriage agenda" with the KKK, segregation, slavery, racism, and the destruction of the black family. It is beyond disturbing and should disgust many:

Yup, you know us gay folks—the great oppressors. We just faked all those centuries of brute and inhumane treatment in order to make ourselves look sympathetic. You sure got our numbers, CAAP!

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