For the most part, this interview between National Organization For Marriage communications guy Joe Grabowski and D.C. TV host Bruce DePuyt is standard fare. Bruce cites truths about the turning tide while Joe resorts to the same tired talking points...
Food is provided; animus is likely: [TX Values] The petition these Republican U.S. Senators (and others) will be supporting pointedly refers to same-sex relationships as "deviant": [CRT PAC] In case you were unclear about whether they really mean "defense" or...
The marriage debate is annoying for many reasons. Chief among them is the fact that our opposition is not even trying to have the same conversation as us: ARKANSAS: An auspicious group of laymen, elected officials and over 100 Christian...
Prominent evangelical Richard Land, past president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Liberty Commission and current head of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, is sitting in for Tony Perkins on the Family Research Council president's daily radio show. On yesterday's...