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#March4Marriage musician says it's his responsibility to promote discrimination

Unfortunate choice: [SOURCE] If you find it your responsibility to join an organization that has vowed to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks" in order to foster discrimination in America, then yes, Alex—you might get some backlash. At least...

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NOM Exposed: Brian Brown’s Apparent Goal: Keeping Himself Employed for Decades to Come

Brian Brown’s Apparent Goal: Keeping Himself Employed for Decades to Come [NOM EXPOSED]

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NOM Exposed: Nancy Pelosi's right: NOM #March4Marriage speakers do show 'disdain and hate towards LGBT persons'

Nancy Pelosi is right: NOM march speakers do show 'disdain and hate towards LGBT persons' [NOM EXPOSED]

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POTUS's pen to openly mock time-wasting, discrimination-tolerating House Republicans

The LGBT news of the day, if not year: President Barack Obama will sign an executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation, a White House official confirmed Monday, after years of...

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Diane Keaton + '90s nostalgia + gay stuff = just take my money now

According to Hollywood blogger Nikki Finke, Disney and original star Steve Martin are ready to go on a third edition of the Father of the Bride franchise. With a twist: The twist in this threequel is that Little Matty is...

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NOM Exposed: Should Hundreds of Catholic Churches Really be Promoting a Political March?

Should Hundreds of Catholic Churches Really be Promoting a Political March? [NOM EXPOSED]

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'Old school prude' AFA president calls Michael Sam kiss 'gross,' 'immoral, unhealthy and unnatural'

Tim Wildmon is a new-school tolerant who thinks gay sex is hottttttttttttttt. Oh no, wait a minute—I got him confused with someone else. This is Tim and these are his real views: Straight America is scared to death of offending...

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Focus on the Family falls off the wagon, returns to its anti-gay addiction

For the past two weeks, Focus on the Family has dedicated its weekly email blast to its old standby of a topic: Blasting homosexuality. Stand by for hostility toward a natural sexual orientation coupled with a picture of a shrimp...

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NOM's Plante owns it: NOM trying to 'turn the clock back on marriage'

Promoting the upcoming March For Marriage to the American Family Association's extremely anti-gay audience, National Organization For Marriage spokesman Chris Plante says the following about NOM's goal: [SOURCE] On the highlighted part, I am in complete agreement with Plante's assessment...

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