« June 16, 2014 ||
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|| June 18, 2014 »
READ: President speaks at NYC LGBT event
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release June 17, 2014 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT A DNC LGBT GALA Gotham Hall New York, New York 7:36 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Edith, Robbie, thanks for the wonderfully...
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GLAAD: Salvatore Cordileone's #March4Marriage response is false witness to the extreme
Salvatore Cordileone's #March4Marriage response is false witness to the extreme [GLAAD]
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NOM Exposed: Bryan Fischer promotes #March4Marriage by equating homosexuality with IV drug abuse
Bryan Fischer promotes #March4Marriage by equating homosexuality with IV drug abuse [NOM EXPOSED]
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#March4Marriage preview: Alex Holt and Free Worship prep 'land of the free' lyrics for freedom-stifling event; seemingly miss irony
This is the band that will perform at the National Organization For Marriage's pro-discrimination march on Thursday. Here they are rehearsing The Star Spangled Banner, which they will sing on site: Post by Alex Holt and Free Worship. Nice harmony....
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There are not two perspectives on whether you can pray away the gay
Another state legislature, this time in New York, is pushing to join New Jersey and California in banning the scientifically discredited snake oil known as reparative therapy, as least as it applies to minors. This very much upsets Stephen Hayford...
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Video: People who study, train, dedicate lives to law think they know better than Pat Robertson
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NOM Exposed: Archbishop Cordileone says gay people should ‘avoid harmful effects’ of homosexuality
Archbishop Cordileone says gay people should ‘avoid harmful effects’ of homosexuality [NOM EXPOSED]
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NOM Exposed: Is E.W. Jackson still speaking at #March4Marriage? Because he was booked.
Is E.W. Jackson still speaking at March For Marriage? [NOM EXPOSED]
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