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Sen. Susan Collins becomes fourth GOP US Senator to support marriage equality

On the same day that the Human Rights Campaign endorsed the moderate Republican for re-election, US Senator Susan Collins became the fourth GOP member of the upper chamber to endorse marriage equality: Susan Collins: I support same-sex marriage [Bangor Daily...

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Utah's big anti-equality group admits agenda goes well beyond marriage

"Celebrate Marriage Utah" is the main group advocating against marriage equality in the state of Utah. You might remember that big winter rally that Celebrate Marriage Utah hosted at the state capitol, in tandem with the National Organization For Marriage....

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Video: Here's what it looks like when two guys marry in Indiana

Spoiler alert: the state does not explode at the end:

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What 'American people' are you even talking about, Tony Perkins?

The last four states to vote on marriage equality all passed it, and the last few legislatures to consider the matter ultimately put it through. Every credible poll shows Americans supporting equality; even less credible polls show an even or...

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Peter LaBarbera continues familiar practice of posting pics of gay men's bare butts

In the anti-gay world of professional anti-LGBT activist Peter LaBarbera, a same-sex kiss is meant to be edited away but a chorus line of bare butt cheeks are perfectly fit to print. Both of these images come from a new...

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Breaking: Tenth Circuit finds Utah's marriage ban unconstitutional

On the same day that a federal judge struck down Indiana's marriage ban, the 10th circuit Court of Appeals has found Utah's big bad ban to be unconstitutional as well. Unlike Indiana, however, that ruling is on hold. Still amazing!...

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Breaking: Federal judge strikes down Indiana marriage ban

A federal judge today struck down Indiana's discriminatory marriage ban. Additionally, there is no stay on the ruling so couples can begin marrying immediately. Happy Pride!! More to come.

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Video: #March4Marriage attendees 'don't hate' us enough to tell us we're wrong, unequal, in need of 'the truth'

Just like last year, when she pushed the claim that there were 15,000 people at a march that featured about 12,000 less than that, I'm sure Katie Yoder of the anti-gay Media Research Center thought she was helping when she...

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Scott Lively's song of summer: 'The Rainbow Belongs to God'

Hysterically anti-gay personality Scott Lively says of the song's origins: It was written my friend Johny Noer, a Danish pastor living in the Negev Desert of Israel, and performed by the very talented singer/composer Signe Walsoe. Johny was an attendee...

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Anti-gay NOM unable to sway #NY22 in favor of anti-equality Tenney

The National Organization For Marriage knew that the Republican primary in New York's 22nd congressional district was going to be a low turnout affair, so the pro-discrimination special interest group threw over $25,000 (reported so far) at the campaign of...

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