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Video: White House Pride Reception 2014
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release June 30, 2014 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT PRIDE MONTH CELEBRATION East Room 5:40 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. (Applause.) Well, I want to thank Jim and...
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Video: Brian Brown's callers show weakness of his movement's arguments
Below is an appearance that National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown contributed to C-Span over the weekend. Other than coming closer to supporting the idea of gay "change" than I've heard from him in a while (at around the...
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Mat Staver 'deeply saddened' California can still recognize and ban junk 'therapy'
Tellingly mentioning Jerry Sandusky, as he and his pals have been wont to do in order to convince America that straight-identified pedophiles are what make people gay, Liberty Counsel attorney Mat Staver is defiantly angry at the Supreme Court for...
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Video: Lively international aggression gets the John Oliver twist
Last week, I told you about the unintentionally hilarious "Rainbow Belongs To God" song that extreme anti-gay activist Scott Lively was promoting as wonderful. I love that John Oliver included it as part of a longer report on international extremism...
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Ben Carson, the go-to guy for anti-gay galas
He's already gone after LGBT rights while keynoting at galas for the National Organization For Marriage and the Illinois Family Institute. Fox News contributor and rumored 2016 presidential candidate Ben Carson is next heading to the extremely anti-LGBT Pacific Justice...
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Wait, are we hiding our equal marriage goals? If so, please allow me to clarify
Notorious anti-gay activist Scott Lively is sending out the warning sign: [SOURCE] 2015? Please! We right-side-of-history advocates, "elite" or not, are conspiring to make equal marriage happen by this afternoon, if we can get it! And frankly, we don't care...
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