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Arkansas Family Council fights civil marriage by calling it 'sin'; kind of like fighting drivers' licensing with cries of 'porcupine!'

by Jeremy Hooper

The marriage debate is annoying for many reasons. Chief among them is the fact that our opposition is not even trying to have the same conversation as us:

ARKANSAS: An auspicious group of laymen, elected officials and over 100 Christian pastors in sharp black suits from around the state gathered on the steps of the Capitol to take a stand for the biblical principle of marriage between one man and one woman. Motivated by the judge’s ruling last week that redefined marriage, the group presented a united front to honor God and His Word, calling same-sex “marriage” a sin and wrong. Leaders were careful to reiterate God’s love and their love for people, but hatred of sin.
Arkansas: Rousing Rally in Support of Biblical Marriage [Focus on the Family]

What do they think, that this judge and all future judges are going to be like, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sin. Why didn't you all say so? Here this whole time I thought I was supposed to be deciding on civil marriage, which is detached from the optional religious ceremony, and that I was supposed to be basing my ruling in constitutional law rather than the widely varying faith opinions of this supposed church/state-separated nation. But now that you've reminded of your personal opinion involving 'sin,' I now see that I am to instead put an anti-gay evangelical pastor's Southern Evangelical Seminary training above my own legal degree."

I mean, I know that is what groups like the Arkansas Family Council would like to happen, as the "protect marriage" movement in American has more than made known its superiority complex and sheer disrespect for the crucial distinction between civil marriage and religious ceremony. But do they really think this sort of public engagement is going to change their fates? Adorable, if so. But no.

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