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Liberty Counsel head: LGBT advocates are doing 'bidding of the devil'

by Jeremy Hooper

He's on Fox News all the time, and he was recently invited to testify before Congress on the subject of religious freedom. Now listen in as Mat Staver, head of the Liberty Counsel and noted conservative voice, tells his listeners that we LGBT activists and our allies are, in fact, doing "the bidding of the devil":

It must be somewhat freeing to be an anti-gay social conservative. I mean, you don't need phrases that make any sort of sense or have any sort of mortal worth, so you really don't have to try all that hard to make a cogent argument. You can just say, "Oh, this unseen evil entity is responsible and/or please by this minority population," and it is widely accepted as an acceptable point in a civil rights debate. You don't need "proof." You don't need to show your work. So long as you say the view is based in your religious beliefs, you can enter unprovable fantasy into the realm of real-life human debate.

I'm doing the bidding of the devil, Mat says. Fine. What if I push back by claiming that Mat is servicing the emotional needs of Meepzor, the slimy overlord of planet Kardasamov? His is know more factual than mine. The difference? My outlandish insistence would get me cut out of my side's meetings and strategy sessions and commentary slots and punditry bookings; Mat's fanciful claims only increase his opportunities within his movement and his chosen political party.

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