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Ralph Reed advises GOP on how to keep Ralph Reed a relevant GOP leader

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-06-20 At 3.16.42 PmLongtime conservative activist Ralph Reed, who is currently hosting a conference featuring many of the top GOP contenders, is telling Republicans that opposing marriage equality remains their ticket to the future:

“People are overstating the polling,” and opposition to same-sex marriage is “definitely a winner” for Republican candidates, Reed said in an interview for Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend.
Republicans Benefit From Opposing Same-Sex Marriage, Reed Says [Bloomberg Businessweek]

"We totally agree!" exclaim prognosticators who think rotary dialing will be the iPhone's next innovation, fans who believe New Coke will someday have a resurgence, and young boys who can't wait for wives who, per the national norm conveyed to them via American television, will stay home everyday baking cookies and vacuuming in pearls and heels.

No word on who these "people" are who are overstating polling. I do, however, know that a great majority of them likely support marriage equality.

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