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Riiiiight, Tony. Because we don't celebrate heterosexuality. Mmm hmm. Sure, Mr. Disingenuity-as-Daily-Defintive
Exceedingly anti-gay Family Research Council president Tony Perkins doesn't want us recognizing places significant to LGBT rights:
If you're looking for a monument to political correctness, try the National Park Service. Hello, I'm Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. When people say homosexuals have made landmark changes to America, they mean it. Under a new government project, the Interior Department will be going out of its way to introduce new gay, lesbian, and transgender historical sites to the national registry. Secretary Sally Jewell says the contributions of the LGBT community "have been underrepresented in the National Park Service." With help from liberal scholars, the agency plans to inject historical sites with the radical homosexual agenda, just in time for tourist season. Remember when homosexuals just wanted to coexist in society? Now they demand to be singled out and honored. Real equality would be treating the contributions of gays and lesbians to U.S. heritage the same way we threat heterosexuals' -- without bringing their bedroom into it. Unfortunately, in this age of political correctness, skewing history is just a walk in the parks.
June 12, 2014 [TonyPerkins.com]
Honoring heterosexuality is intrinsic to American life. That aspect doesn't get special mention or distinction because it has never been a struggle. A President and The First Lady are simply recognized. Locales where famous people married and/or honeymooned are noted as simple milestone markers, not as controversies. Family dynasties are casually noted when the families are not under attack. And so on.
There are also many, many, many churches designated as historical landmarks. Some of those churches surely align with Tony's way of thinking. Enjoy.
Also, a landmark doesn't have to be a place you enjoy. Presumably, Tony doesn't visit Alcatraz in order to feel a spiritual uplift. If he wants to go to an LGBT landmark just so he can pray, seethe, or covertly fart up the place, he has that right. America, ya know?