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Ryan Anderson, supposed policy wonk, promoting exceedingly anti-gay book
Ryan T. Anderson, the Heritage Foundation scholar who you'll see on TV from time to time pretending to be a conservative policy wonk whose interest in "traditional marriage" is focused on policy and limited in its intent, has made it increasingly clear that his views are actually much more anti-gay than he would like the public to believe. Now on Twitter, Ryan's promoting a glowing review, written for a website that Ryan himself edits (the Witherspoon Institute's Public Discourse), for a book, Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior Is Changing Everything, that's all about pushing the idea that homosexuality is not, in fact, "normal":
Written by Ryan's fellow Witherspoon Institute personality Matthew J. Frank, the review that Ryan is promoting argues, as does the book's author, that homosexuality is really a group of "behaviors" and not an orientation at all (which is the typical conservative Catholic line), that the overturning of sodomy laws has set America down a desperate decline, that LGBT activists have propagandized all of this into existence, that homosexuality is inherently dangerous, and that we'd all be better off going back to a restrictive past with larger closets, if not electroshock therapy units. Frank concludes with this:
We must believe. As Robert Reilly underscores in this searingly effective book, what we face today is a movement to accomplish, on a collective and society-wide basis, what those who embrace morally condemned behavior have always sought to accomplish for themselves as individuals: rationalization that what's wrong is right. If we are to remain true to the cumulative wisdom of our civilization about human nature and the conditions of human flourishing, we must respond as fearlessly as the author of Making Gay Okay and say—it’s not.
FULL: What’s Wrong is Right: A Revolution in Rationalization [Public Discourse]
And let's get real: Ryan promotes this stuff because he believes in it. The fact he believes this way is the primary reason why he is in the marriage fight at all. You cannot separate this anti-gay stuff from the policy work. It just doesn't work that way.
**NOTE: The National Organization For Marriage's chairman, John Eastman, provided a blurb for this crazy anti-gay book. Because it's never just about marriage—for any of them.