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Scott Lively's song of summer: 'The Rainbow Belongs to God'
Hysterically anti-gay personality Scott Lively says of the song's origins:
It was written my friend Johny Noer, a Danish pastor living in the Negev Desert of Israel, and performed by the very talented singer/composer Signe Walsoe. Johny was an attendee and guest lecturer at my Bible seminar in England last fall and was inspired by my article/strategy “The Rainbow Belongs to God” which I created to encourage the Russians to reclaim the rainbow as a Christian symbol during the Winter Olympics."
This beautiful music video is a fruit of our ministry partnership and I encourage you to forward it to your pro-family friends around the world.
Dr Scott Lively [Scott Lively]
Now go listen to what you will rightly think sounds like parody, but is instead a genuine product of a serious movement that has fully crossed over into the realm of unintended comedy:
That's going to be stuck in my head all day now! Which is good; I could use the laugh.