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Shorter Janet Porter: Please let me destroy the Republican party

by Jeremy Hooper

Screen Shot 2014-06-10 At 1.37.33 PmAnti-gay activist Janet Porter (née), who is one of those anti-gay activists who used to be a prominent conservative figure but who has gone so fringe and over-the-top so many times that even most modern anti-LGBT groups won't involve with or avail themselves of her services, is now suggesting that the national GOP adopt a platform that pushes so-called "ex-gay" therapy, the way the Texas GOP just did:

Janet Porter Wants to Spread New Texas GOP 'Ex-Gay' Resolution Nationwide [Towle]

...and not win another presidential winning for at least a generation. That's the second part of Janet's suggestion here.

Although frankly, I never thought the Texas Republican party would be ludicrous enough to sign off on such a thing. So who knows? The way the divided-and-searching-for-a-future GOP is right now, we might see Porter as the next GOP presidential candidate's running mate. Which would still lose, of course. But I can't say I'd take anything out of the realm of possibility with this party and its oddities.

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