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Tony Perkins sure gives good non sequitur

by Jeremy Hooper

"Oh darn, Secretary Kerry is walking. That's too bad; I wanted to give him a piece of gun."

Or, to put it another way:

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Screen Shot 2014-06-24 At 2.02.57 Pm
[Family Research Council president Tony Perkins]

I'm pretty sure ambassador appointments happen in tandem with all other work, regardless of said ambassadors' sexual orientations/gender identities. I'm also pretty sure Secretary Kerry can still care about Canada and Poland even if he's in Egypt or Russia on a particular day.

And not for nothing, Tony, but I'm pretty sure you are a man who identifies as being focused on Christianity and "family values," but who has instead spent an inordinate amount of time of every workday for the past decade obsessing—and I do mean obsessing—about LGBT rights and how you can dismantle that one set of freedoms for that one particular minority population. People who live in oddly prioritized houses shouldn't throw stones.

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