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Video: D.C. news show properly frames NOM as the 'foes' that they are

by Jeremy Hooper

For the most part, this interview between National Organization For Marriage communications guy Joe Grabowski and D.C. TV host Bruce DePuyt is standard fare. Bruce cites truths about the turning tide while Joe resorts to the same tired talking points and self-absorbed spin (e.g. poll questions aren't "presented in the way that we would like the question to be presented") that we've all heard for years. When it comes to NOM, we expect nothing more and nothing less than non-answers, aggressive delusion, and overall embrace of the bull's less aromatic byproduct.

What I do love, however, is the way this host and his crew accurately address NOM as the "gay marriage foes" and "anti-same-sex marriage group" that they are. All too often, we hear mainstream media outlets accepting NOM's self-branding as a "traditional marriage" org, which is of course more of the same byproduct of that aforementioned bull. This time, the framing is pretty good, culminating in a final question that aptly places marriage equality activists on the right side of the civil rights struggle and places NOM among the "people who are standing in the doorway." Have a look:


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