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Video: 'Duck Dynasty' producer makes excuses for Phil Robertson and his anti-gay views

by Jeremy Hooper

Making a distinction between how he acts and the truly heinous things that he said (and has said several times before and since), blaming a lack of media training for his frankness, and doing that very tried-and-tired tactic of knocking media outlets for supposedly taking comments out of context, Duck Dynasty producer Deirdre Gurney used a Hollywood Reporter reality TV roundtable to make excuses for her bankable star:

First of all, there's no other context. He thinks gay people are immoral and that our marriages are "depravity." If you don't like the GQ interview with its bestiality links and its racially-tinged ideas, hear Mr. Robinson in his own words:

FULL: 20110306 The Duck Commander (Phil from Duck Dynasty) [Vimeo]

It was annoying for you, Ms. Gurney, to have to deal with this at Christmas? Well imagine being a scared gay kid who is listening to his family debate this—or worse yet, excuse this—at the holiday table. His high profile words have high profile power.

So he treats people nicely at the craft services table? Excellent. Great. That doesn't surprise me. Many people with dangerous views are "nice" people in day to day life. I know this well, having grown up in a very small town in the very rural south. But even so, his ideas are still deeply dangerous. I just wonder if Ms. Gurney would be so quick to excuse them if the show wasn't such a bountiful ATM for her and her company.

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