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Was the 'Be Not Afraid Club' too self-victimizing for even NOM?
Nearly two years ago, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown purchased a very self-victimizing (and amusing) domain name:
I've been waiting to have a hearty laugh on its launch date, dreaming up ways I can compare it to the Mickey Mouse Club. Yet that date has never arrived. The domain is set to expire in the fall.
I have to wonder if more sensible heads at NOM stepped in and put the kibosh on what would've surely been one of NOM's most mocked projects. I mean, we know that the whole "victim" routine is pretty much what they do now, but adding both the phrase "be not afraid" and the element of a club would be so ripe for mockery. I can envision the spoof videos of schoolyard bullies sitting in a clubhouse vowing to form a club in which they protect one another from the smaller kid who suddenly grew bigger and no longer allows them to steal his lunch money. To name just one idea.
Whatever the reason, we've never seen this "be not afraid" idea. What happened, Brian. Did you get, um—afraid?