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NBC analyst Tony Dungy says he wouldn't have drafted Michael Sam

As he was winding up his time as an NFL coach but before he started working as a sportscaster, Tony Dungy did a brief spell as a socially conservative activist. This included speaking to groups like the Indiana Family Institute...

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NOM becomes even more of a generalized anti-LGBT animus organization

Hiding their "concerns" behind the ridiculous idea that an executive order targeting workplace discrimination means people will be punished for simply opposing same-sex marriage, NOM, a group that was once narrowly focused on its one stated fight but, has moved...

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Sure, NOM—I'll play your game!!

[NOM] ...because it doesn't threaten my ONE MAN and ONE MAN marriage even one bit. ...because I don't have the same animus for heterosexual love that some self-appointed Earth-worth hall monitors have for same-sex love. ...because I don't have the...

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Bryan Fischer: POTUS 'stood on the graves' of Malaysia Air victims 'to promote the legitimacy of sexual deviancy'

But hey, at least no one who works at the senior level of one of the biggest "pro-family" groups has taken multiple hours of the past few days to insist that President Obama was politicizing the Malaysia Air tragedy and...

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Legal profession made up of ideologues, demands legal ideologue

Mat Staver is a conservative activist. That's not my allegation; it's just what he is. He doesn't really deny it, which is good, since it's not up for discussion. As the head of the Liberty Counsel, regular conservative pundit and...

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FRC's senior fellow for exporting/criminalizing gay people bemoan's discrimination's dwindling acceptance

A man who has literally called for "exporting" and criminalizing gay people has thoughts on the matter of protecting more LGBT people from discrimination: Peter Sprigg, Family Research Council's Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, released the following statement: "President Obama...

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(ARCHIVED): President signs executive order protecting LGBT workers

SEE ALSO: The Draft Text Of Obama’s LGBT Worker Executive Order [Buzzfeed]

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