She packs a lot into these soundbites. One, there's the claim that allowing loving same-sex couples to marry somehow devalues the idea. There are also three mentions of God, his design, and his intentions, even though the conversation on the...
Of course the American Family Association spins all of its actual work into the code words that social conservatives think absolves their movement from the intended wrongdoing and/or supremacy attached to their goals. But hey, at least their new ad...
Because of the President's action on behalf of basic workplace protections for LGBT employees of federal contractors and related bits of progress, the Family Research Council is instructing supports to pray for the reversal of the "activist homosexual agenda": [FRC...
The choice to have sexual relations with a member of one's own family has nothing to do with homosexuality. Obviously. The latter is a scientifically recognized sexual orientation that people only learn to dislike because they are taught to do...