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Miami-Dade Circuit judge rules state marriage ban unconstitutional; stays ruling

The voter-enacted ban "offend(s) basic human dignity." Here's a pertinent snip followed by Judge Sarah Zabel's full ruling (the second pro-equality Florida ruling in as many weeks): 14-1661 Decision by Equality Case Files

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Video: With marriage equality, Texas could put in a pool at the Alamo

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CWA ably demonstrates ludicrousness of American Christian right's persecution complex

As part of its summer fundraising pitch, Concerned Women For America is highlighting five cases of supposed Christian persecution. Here they are: [CWA] The fourth bullet point is, in fact, an act of persecution. It's a human rights abuse. It's...

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Video: CBS News hosts '50 Years Later, Civil Rights;' includes marriage equality, obviously

Marriage equality rockstar Evan Wolfson starts talking around 42:00; the whole thing, however, is worth your time:

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Audio: White House? Nah. But in race for most anti-gay House member, Bachmann a strong contender

Rep. Michele Bachmann, who once told an audience that homosexuality is "part of Satan, I think," is getting back into the viciously anti-gay game off which the Minnesota Republican largely built her national profile. In clips that Right Wing Watch...

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Brian Brown is the victim, y'all. How many times does he have to tell you?

Remember that kid on the playground who would get so red-faced angry when he was losing a game that he'd dramatically grab his ball, yell, "It's mine and I'm taking it!" and then storm off in a huff to tell...

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Congrats, gay activists—Bryan Fischer has found new group for his weekly 'Nazi' branding

The "gay gestapo" is temporarily off the hook, it seems: [AFA senior analyst Bryan Fischer]

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Maggie Gallagher: Sexual orientation is 'more akin to religion' than to race

My pal John Corvino has written a compelling essay for Commonweal magazine titled "Thinking Straight?" which is running with the subtitle, "Where Social Conservatives Go Wrong on Sexuality." Social conservative Maggie Gallagher responds to Corvino's piece by going wrong on...

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NOM is totally popular (*in Ethiopia)

I've always found it weird that the National Organization For Marriage has so many more Facebook "fans" than it does Twitter followers. Perhaps this gives us some clue: [NOM Facebook insights] A little suspect that an organization focused exclusively on...

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What constitutes 'absolute pure evil' in the eyes of Liberty University dean?

College campuses are discouraging so-called "ex-gay" therapy. This is not shocking. Any college that values responsible treatment and adherence to credible science will reject the viciously anti-gay idea of "reparative therapy" because it is dangerous junk science that is a...

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