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|| August 1, 2014 »
But does the Archbishop even believe in gay?
While allegations swirl around him, John Nienstedt, the head of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis who was extremely active in his state's unsuccessful fight to write discrimination into its constitution (they wrote equality into it instead), offered this...
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Video: Move over aliens, plagues, Sharknados—it's committed gays who'll soon kill Western Civilization
This man was recently invited to testify before Congress: Ah, social conservatism: where what should-be a foot in the mouth for a prominent voice is usually just another foot in the door.
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Nine former water-carriers for 'ex-gayness' join all credible scientists in denouncing 'ex-gay' propaganda
Earlier this week I brought you my exclusive interview with Yvette Cantu Schneider, a longtime laborer with the scientifically discredited "ex-gay" movement who is now a strong critic of the junk science and its harm. Today I'm happy to report...
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The operative word is 'yet'
The head of Colorado's big anti-gay group responds to a court order demanding Boulder County stop issuing marriage license while the matter plays out on appeal: Debbie Chaves of Colorado Family Action was asked for a response to the state...
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Video: Tony Perkins for politically-driven pastors to test (if not run afoul) tax exempt status
It seems like every year that I track this stuff, the anti-LGBT activists get more assured of their "right" to both act like political activists from the pulpit and maintain their tax exempt status. This year, one of the conservative...
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