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Apparently NOM's co-founder doesn't mind NOM's Starbucks boycott
National Organization For Marriage co-founder Robert George recently celebrated his fifty-ninth birthday. My absent mind forgot to buy him a gift (even after all he's done for me), but others were not so neglectful. Some even gave him a product that I had thought was off-limits in NOM world:
As you surely know, NOM has been boycotting Starbucks (or trying to, at least) for the past two-and-a-half years due to the coffee giant's support for marriage equality. Yet George seems thankful for the gift without offering any note about the boycott. I guess free frappuccinos trump ideology.
No word on which of Starbucks' creations the NOM co-founder (and federal marriage amendment author) will purchase with his caffeinated windfall, but it is a certainty every sip will be sweetened with LGBT freedom. Enjoy, Robby!!